1. I am stronger than my struggles.
You’ve been through shit before and lived. You will live, and you will grow.
2. I accept the things I cannot change.
Focus on what you can change, and you’ll be much happier.
3. I will not let my happiness depend on things being perfect.
4. I gently release all my worries, anxieties and fears.
5. I don’t have to fix everything right now. I can be still and ride the wave of life.
6. This too shall pass and I can withstand this.
Girl – you can do this. A break is coming your way. If you can keep pushing, you will be rewarded.
7. I am doing the best I can.
That’s all any of us can ask for.
8. When anxiety visits me, I can breathe it away.
These feelings do not live inside of you, they’re just visiting. Show them the door and move on with your day.
9. Worrying cannot change my circumstances.
You know what they say – worrying is a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but takes you nowhere!
11. I live in a universe where I am loved and supported.
You are not alone.
12. I believe in the woman I am becoming.
Growth doesn’t happen overnight – but every day you are inching closer and closer.
13. I love who I am because I fought hard to become her.
You put blood, sweat, and tears into who you are today.
14. I refuse to rely on your sword to save me because I carry my own.
15. I am not afraid of being the full package.
Do not shy away from being everything this universe deserves. Some qualities you were born with, and some you developed yourself.
16. A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at her.
17. Careers have no gender.
18. Her success is not my failure. Empowered women empower women.
19. I am a strong woman. I don’t have attitude, I have standards and boundaries.
You’re not a bitch, you’re a badass.
20. I will not apologize for being a powerful fucking woman.
There’s absolutely nothing to be sorry for. Those who are intimidated by you have their own self-work to focus on. That’s not your problem.
21. I am powerful, beautiful, radiant, and brave.
…and talented, kind, intelligent, and the list goes on.
22. I accept myself for who I am today.
You will also accept yourself for who you were yesterday and who you will be tomorrow.
23. You owe yourself the love that you freely give other people.
You effortlessly let love spill out to friends and family – allow some of the love to be shared internally. You deserve it.
24. I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely.
We seek out approval from others often, and this ends when we approve of ourselves first.
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