14 Most Powerful Tips and Tricks To Improve Public Speaking Skills

14 Most Powerful Tips & Tricks To Improve Public Speaking Skills

A Human Brain Starts Working the Moment you are Born and  Never Stops Until you Stand up to Speak in public.

Most Powerful Tips and Tricks To Improve Public Speaking Skills

Are you an Introvert?

If your answer to this question is No then this blog will help you to become a Persuasive and a Magnetic Speaker which is the biggest quality of a Public Speaker.

And If your answer is Yes then this Blog Post is definitely for you that will help you to Stand and make an Outstanding Presentation in front of " n " number audience without any public speaking fear and anxiety.

Before we dive in

I want to know your view on this
I think there are only two types of people when it
comes to learning skills

Type A they Say Nothing is Impossible this skill "I can
do it" there's nothing impossible in my dictionary
one type of people highly motivated.

Another they say no I can do this skill or I can implement this skill execute this skill
only if I have learned it if I have not learned it first I will go and learn.

which one is according to you more impressive and a good way of living life or learning skills?

Let me give an example to put things in context
you might have gone to the swimming pool now there are few people that just jump inside the water type " A " not learn swimming just jump inside the water within their capacity

They move their hands here and there and then splash water and they cover the distance sometimes the distance is just in few meters or sometimes in centimetres, they take their head out and say see

I told you I can swim

Correct one type of people

On the other hand, there are few people they go to swimming classes
they properly learn swimming and they swim like a fish from one end of the swimming pool to another and after one after another one after rounds after round and the Type A even one round from here to here " Phew "

And If you are Reading this Blog this means that you are of Type B who want to learn and then implement the Tips and Tricks to become a Champion of Public Speaking.

14 Most Powerful Tips and Tricks To Improve Public Speaking Skills

1) Eliminate Fear Of Rejection

First and the Most Important of all while getting on to the stage or in front of your audience never ever think

What if my audience hates my speech?

What if they boo me off stage?”

Because whenever you think about these things you doubt on yourself and self-doubt is one of the biggest reason for your Public Speaking fear.

Eliminate all of your fears of rejection. The audience is there to listen to you for a "Reason"

2) Get Organized

When you organize all of your thoughts and materials it helps you to become far more relaxed and calm.

once you have clear, organized thoughts it can greatly reduce your speaking anxiety because you'll better specialise in the one thing at hand, giving an excellent speech.

3) Never Ever Practice in Front of Mirror

Yes, you have Read it Right because whenever you practice in front of a mirror you can't feedback what I mean is that you are trying to perform 2 processes at the same time i.e, Observing and Presenting which is not possible.

So, Record your speech on your phone or video camera. Record yourself giving the talk from starting to end. Then hear it or watch it, and make notes on how you'll make it better.

4) Practice And Prepare Extensively

Nothing takes the place of practising and preparing for your speech. Write out a script of your key points, but don’t read from the script word for word. Prepare for your speech so well that you simply could answer any possible question thrown at you

5) Work On Your Breathing

When you specialise in your breathing your voice will have more resonance and you'll relax.

Breathe calmly and specialise in stepping into a rhythm. Although this is often a speechmaking exercise, breath-work will help Reduce stress and improve clarity altogether areas of life.

6) Lightly Exercise Before Public Speaking

Public Speaking Exercises

Yes, you might think why do I need to Exercise?

Exercising lightly before a presentation can give you surprising results the blood circulating send oxygen to your brain. Take a walk before a speech or do a couple of knee bends.

This little trick is one of my favourite speaking tips. You’ll be amazed by what a little blood flow can do for you

7) Focus On The Material, Not The Audience

Focus on delivering your material in the best way possible. Don’t worry about audience reactions they are the "Listener", not a "Speaker"

8) Avoid Talking Too Fast

Talking fast during a speech interferes together with your breathing patterns. If you talk too fast you'll breathe less. Feeling in need of breath will cause you to panicked and more vulnerable to fear.

Practice slowing down once you speak, and you'll be more calm and relaxed. Try to Engage With Your Audience which maintains your speed of speech and makes it more Understandable.

9) Don't Walk Like a Tiger

Confused Just look at this Gif below

Public speaking Anxiety

This is called zoochosis stereotypic behaviour animals captivity because of the same routine every day they are under stress, nervousness, panic and moving here and there and the interesting thing is that they are not aware.

The same happens with humans when we are in front of the audience or on stage at that time the stage is a virtual cage.

many people tend to move here and there on the stage which is a virtual cage out of which you can't come unless you complete and when you are doing this you are giving a Subconscious Signal to them that

I'm Nervous

You now might be thinking that Swapnil we should move on the stage, of course, you should but for a purpose and only when our legs are in our control.

10) Take Pause

This is one of the most Powerful Tips and Tricks to Improve Public Speaking Skills take pause whenever you spoke the key point by doing this you are basically giving time to absorb your point and understand it well.

The most important is It creates a curiosity among the audience what he/she will say next which is the quality of a magnetic speaker.

11) Make Your Nervous Energy Work For You

Nervous when public speaking we need to learn to channel your nervous energy into positive energy. Being nervous is a form of Public speaking fear and Anxiety which stimulates adrenaline hormone. You can use your Nervous energy in a positive way to help give an impassioned presentation during public speaking events

Sometimes people get a public speaking panic attack for that I Highly Recommend them to go for this Outstanding Panic attack and Anxiety problems Solver PanicAway

Body language
is one of the crucial parts of Public Speaking the Impact of your Body is 55% your Voice tone is 38% and you Spoken Words have one 7% Impact on your Audience what does it mean that you should highly focus on your body language and voice tone.

12) Body language in public Speaking

Some public speaking techniques to check them out is to record your video while speaking and then to observe your body language just mute the voice.

And to observe your voice tone just put on the earphones and close your eyes.

13) Anxiety when public speaking

Symptoms of public speaking anxiety are an equivalent as people who occur for a social mental disorder, but they only happen within the context of speaking publicly. If you reside with public speaking anxiety, you'll worry weeks or months beforehand of a speech or presentation, and you almost certainly have severe physical symptoms of hysteria during a speech such as the following:

A pounding heart
Quivering voice
Shortness of breath
Upset stomach

# Tips for Public Speaking Anxiety

The Ultimate Solution to Public Speaking Anxiety is Meditation I know it needs practise but I can promise you it will help you a lot to get rid of this Anxiety.

14) Self Talk

Self-talk and that too positive self-talk is so Effective that it persuades your brain to think that you are a great Public Speaker.

Whenever you are going on a stage or if you are in between your colleagues at that time just talk to yourself in a positive manner for Example:

I am going to Rock the Stage.

I am going to give an Outstanding Presentation.

I am going to give a very Impressive Presentation.


So these were some of the Most Powerful Tips and Tricks To Improve Public Speaking Skills

let me summarize with these key points 

1) Eliminate Fear Of Rejection

2) Get Organized

3) Never Ever Practice in Front of Mirror

4) Practice And Prepare Extensively

6) Lightly Exercise Before Public Speaking

7) Focus On The Material, Not The Audience

8) Avoid Talking Too Fast

9) Don't Walk Like a Tiger

10) Take Pause

11) Make Your Nervous Energy Work For You

12) Body language in public Speaking

13) Anxiety when public speaking

14) Self Talk 

Tell me which are your Favourite tips for Improving your Public Speaking Skills?

Believe me guys these are the Secret Techniques used by Master public Speaker and now you know them to go and use them.

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